Campus Point. Credit: Tony Mastres
Credit: Tony Mastres

Welcome to the TALE - Thinking About Life Experiences - Lab in Psychological and Brain Sciences at UCSB. Our work uses a multi-method approach (e.g., experiments, narrative analyses) to ask questions about: why humans remember their personal past, the content of autobiographical memories, the implications of sharing memories with others in varying contexts (e.g., cultural context, in the classroom), and the impact of autobiographical remembering for psychosocial well-being. We explore adult age group and cultural group differences in these questions about autobiographical memory, focus on positive outcomes and successful aging, and emphasize the role of personal stories in teaching and learning.

Please take some time to look at our ongoing research projects, representative publications, and recent news announcements. We are a lab powered by undergraduate students (Dr. Albada does not have graduate students). Contact Dr. Albada if you are an undergraduate student interested in being a research assistant.

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